Have Your Best Year Yet

Have Your Best Year Yet

2020 has been an interesting year full of lessons, memories and change. Lots of change. I think we are all ready to kiss 2020 goodbye.

A new year feels magical. 365 new chances. A fresh start. Renewed goals and dreams. New hope for our future.

New Year’s Resolutions give us, even for just a moment, the feeling that anything is possible. So each year, we create new resolutions. They stick for a while, then the magic fades. We begin to recognize our old patterns and soon we are just as disappointed with our current reality as we were with the one before. We get frustrated, feel defeated and begin to believe things will never change.

The truth is, when nothing changes, nothing changes.

As we say hello to a new year, we also say hello to new vision and focus for our future. New commitments to ourselves. Something happens when we give our word and keep it. I was really good at keeping my word to others but once I began keeping my word to myself, things shifted.

If you make one commitment to yourself for 2021, let it be to keep your word. Be intentional about the things you agree to and refuse. Decide based on what fuels your desires and brings you joy.

This new year, I wish you the opportunities to practice the discipline necessary to honor yourself and your decisions. May you trust yourself enough to know that it will work out in your favor once you’ve decided. When your word becomes your unbreakable contract, you unlock your potential to achieve anything you set your mind to. Anything you decide to do. That is power. That breeds confidence.

I am hosting a 5 week intensive program called Rock Your Resolutions at Integrity U, a hands on, intimate experience where we will take goal smashing to another dimension and practice flexing our discipline muscles. Click the link or head over to the Coaching Services tab to learn more.

I would love to hear your resolutions. Drop them in the comments to keep ourselves accountable.

My 2021 goals are to drink half my body weight in water each day; move and stretch daily; read one book a month; further my influence and impact 100 lives; do something to further my goals each day; remember I am POWERFUL beyond measure; have a six figure year.

What a year it’s going to be!