Today I am celebrating over 1000 likes and follows on my Facebook business page, Dragonfly Designs and you’re invited to the party! Facebook business pages get notoriously low visibility in the Facebook algorithm, they are actually meant for selling so Facebook wants us to use them to boost posts and run ads and set up a ‘Shop’. Shops are a nice feature because FB agrees to facilitate payments (and take a fee) but… then your page is no longer free to run. Since I don’t use ads to build my business, I am pretty proud of this accomplishment! I had some help from some wonderful friends and to anchor in this moment, I’m sharing a few things I’ve learned along the way and I am hosting a giveaway! You can enter here!

Through research and a ton of trial and error, I have learned how to crack the Facebook social media code and use it as a free platform to grow and scale my business. It is also worth mentioning that while my Facebook business page just cracked 1000 likes, the income my business generates is rivaling my old paralegal salary, which means you don’t need a huge following or audience to make money in your business. Ok, here’s what I’ve learned:

FB Biz Page Top Tip #1:

Consistency Counts

Posting content to my page consistently helped me gain traction with the algorithm. The more I post, the more people can interact, the more FB shows my content to my likers and followers. Daily is ideal, but anything consistent that you commit to is good.

FB Biz Page Top Tip #2:

You don’t always need to post your current projects

There are no rules that say you have to share your current projects. Share a mixture of content including finished products, work in progress stories, behind the scenes shots and throw backs!

FB Biz Page Top Tip #3:

Be clear about how people can buy

Ever stumble across a page, like what you see, but you can’t find a site, link or any prices? Annoying! Not to mention you will lose a shy shopper every time. Be sure your page has clear instructions on how to place an order with you. Whether you take orders through your inbox and invoice through Paypal or Square, or you direct people to an Etsy or your stand alone site, you want it to be very clear how someone can shop with you. Do they comment on posts? Message you to order? Complete a Google doc form? Whatever your system is, clearly communicate it to your buyers so shopping is easy.

FB Biz Page Top Tip #4:

Link Your Socials

Be sure your network knows what you do by connecting your FB business page to your personal FB page. If you are on Instagram, link your pages so when you share on IG, you can also share to FB with the click of a button.

FB Biz Page Top Tip #5:


Showing people the person behind the business can be pivotal in gaining support and connecting with your customer base. Branding your business identity and giving it a face helps bring it to life and establishes credibility and familiarity. There are many sellers, what makes your buyers buy from you? Whether you host a live inventory sale or go live and showcase what you are working on, live video broadcasts are a powerful way to network and grow your audience.

If you’re a visual person or want to save this as a daily action plan, feel free to use this graphic I created for easy reference.

I have used these tactics to get interaction and sales through my Facebook business page. I have never focused on the numbers and they are not a true measure of our success, but they are certainly fun to celebrate! Next stop – 2000 likes!

If you are growing your Facebook business page, I would love to hear what tips you can integrate into your strategy to grow your audience and make more sales. Feel free to share them in the comments below. Oh, and don’t forget to enter the contest!

*This post contains affiliate links where I may earn a small commission from referrals and sales. I only share offers with my readers for products I love and I will never recommend a product to you that I would not personally use and endorse.


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