If you’re reading this, I hope your Thanksgiving weekend was amazing and you are fully immersed in the holiday rush. I wish you the stamina to power through and more abundance than you’ve ever known! With Thanksgiving in the rear view, we are officially fully immersed in the holiday season and if you have own a business, chances are this is a busy time of year for you. Despite the busy season, it is important to take some time to plan for your business in 2021.

Casting the vision for growth and expansion is so much fun!

Finding time to map it all out – tougher than it sounds…

That is why during this busy season it is important to remember that progress, not perfection is the key to success. As a matter of fact, expectations of perfection have no place in business at all. The best success I have ever created has come from aligned, messy action. Waiting around for things to be ‘perfect’ is a great way to (subconsciously) take yourself out of the game before you even start.

If you can’t quite look to 2021 yet because your business is not where you hoped it would be, it’s not too late to generate record breaking sales for December. Create it, take messy action, launch! Then look to your sales, desires and dreams and plan what you’d like your business to look like for the next 12 months.

If you have been killing it in business, congrats! Abundance is a powerful space to power the shift into your 2021 vision and business plan. Build on what you have built and keep your momentum rolling!

I am so incredibly excited for the shifts, expansion, and limitless possibilities 2021 brings. My commitment to being the best leader, example and support for my tribe has deepened and I am ready to lock arms and run! If you’re with me, be sure you are inside my Facebook community, Get It Together, Girl – it’s where I release my newest offers first and host free trainings!

Focusing on movement, on progress this season makes reaching your goals an enjoyable experience, even when we are stretching ourselves to new levels. Taking steps toward progress each day establishes evidence that we can reflect back on, helping to reinforce the belief that you.can.do.it! Remember, whether you say you can or your say you can’t, you’re right!

So go be right about having all the shit you really want! Trying to be perfect keeps us small, because perfection needs predictability – it craves the sure thing! It also robs us of the celebrations we earn with each step (or misstep) of our journey.